I challenged myself to take a monochromatic picture of every color in the rainbow. This idea started with only creating monochromatic outfits and then escalated to finding monochromatic backgrounds as well. Although I did not allow myself to buy a single new piece for this challenge, I was able to raid my mom’s & sisters’ closets. I wanted to see what outfits I could put together that I normally would not have. To use what you’ve got but think of it differently.
Some of the colors, like red, were so easy to create. Some of the others, like orange, took focused thought and landscape scouting. There is so much content on Instagram these days that it is hard to separate yourself from the collective pack. I want to have my unique voice, style, and creativity shown when people see my pictures. On a broader scale, I am challenging myself to go against the norm of what influencers are posting these days. Why would anyone follow me if I look exactly the same as someone who is already popular?
What is the Goal?
My family and friends keep asking what my goal is for this blog and honestly, I am winging it. First, I wanted to see if I enjoyed having a blog. I wanted to see if I could consistently take pictures I liked. When I started this Instagram, about two years ago, I wanted to post so frequently that I sometimes posted pictures I was not proud of. I refuse to do that anymore.
Conceptual Challenge
Creating a conceptual challenge has helped me be more creative in my current photoshoots which keep sparking new ideas for future photoshoots and blog posts. I feel empowered. To allow yourself to be creative allows you to feel limitless. I am no longer measuring my Instagram account against those that have come before me but finding the white space that I can fill. My new challenge is to figure out how to incorporate this rejuvenated momentum into my day-to-day life. How can I push this feeling outward into everything that I do?
With sparsity, I have ended my blog posts and Instagram captions with challenges for myself, but also for you, too. I am going to start creating weekly life challenges with the same thought and attention to detail that I make my photoshoot challenges. I am excited to start this journey of self-growth and expanding my creativity. Who will join me?