Moab: A Quick Eye-Opening Stop


It is not often that I find myself writing about experiences that happened a few months into the past.  Usually, I am inspired at the moment and write the post shortly thereafter.  With my laptop being repaired,  I was given a unique opportunity to reflect upon my travels to Moab while being far away in a new location.

Moab, Utah was a location, unlike anything I had seen before.  It is one we will definitely return to.  With our current trip, we are planning a lot at the last minute.  Anyone who knows me knows that this is the opposite of my nature.  I am a huge planner.  While in some cases, I see the benefit, in others, I am kicking myself because I know better.

Original Plan for Moab

With Moab, we barely did any research or planning.  The first night, we went to an incredible Mexican restaurant, Miguel’s Baja Grill,  and happened to be seated at one of the last open tables.  

Originally, we planned to spend one night in Moab.  I do not know what we were thinking.  A day in a National Park plus a four-hour drive is a terrible combination.  Thankfully, there was a snowstorm in Park City, our next location, and we wanted to wait it out before arriving.  We extended our stay so we could make the most of Moab.

What Were We Thinking

Our next dumb idea was to try to conquer two national parks in one day: the morning at Arches National Park & the afternoon at Canyonlands.  Again, what were we thinking?  After having a slower start to the morning, not uncommon after a day of driving, we decided to see how the day went.  We were warned that Arches National Park did not serve food, but since the plan was to leave before lunch, we did not pack anything.

Luckily, our car is filled with snacks.  I am not kidding.  To prepare for our big road trip, I filled every crevice.  I diversified to have sweet, salty, filling, munchy, and energy boosting.  They have come in handy.  Needless to say, once we started driving through Arches National Park, we were enthralled and kept finding a desire to see what was around the bend.  

The Delicate Arch Trail

We hiked to the Delicate Arch and could not imagine how people did that hike during the Summer.  We did not take the risk of falling into the canyon but admired the arch from afar.  I do not handle the idea of falling very well.  Some nice hikers took our picture and we started to trek back.

At this point, hunger set in.  After hiking a few miles, the undisputed next step is the meal.  Personally, I enjoy a mid-hike meal.  Several people have tried to talk me out of it, but each time, I wish I did not listen.  I will not be making that mistake again.  After our Delicate Arch hike, we had no meal.  We had snacks.  It was at this pivotal moment that we could have left, grabbed Subway, and tried to capture the sunset at Canyonlands.

Even though our hunger was growing, we both felt unfinished in Arches National Park.  We agreed to stuff our faces with snacks and continue on.  The plan was to conquer the entire park, so when we returned to Moab, we would focus on Canyonlands only.  The only part we were not able to experience was camping in the park.  We wanted to experience the International Dark Sky Park, but the moon and weather were not optimal when we went.  

Moab, We Will Be Back

On the bright side, Canyonlands is also an International Dark Sky Park.  I am excited that when we visit Canyonlands, on another trip, it will be in more optimal conditions with a real plan.  We will sleep underneath the stars.  Hopefully, we will have studied astronomy a little more and be able to identify what we are seeing.

Our trip around the country is giving us a taste of places that we want to spend more time in.  Especially places that we are only passing through.  My grandma keeps reminding me that we do not have to experience everything in just one year.  While she is right, it is nice to identify places we want to return to.  The list is growing and so far, it is a lot of places I never thought I’d want to be.


Plan a mini road trip to somewhere you would have otherwise flown.  The drive and the unique scenery enhance the fun.